Thought Piece

Fixing the DoD Innovation Pipeline, Issue #2: : Why Not Both?

Everyone today seems obsessed with making government innovation as agile and active as the private sector. Senior leaders and operational end users alike ask how we can drive new technology to the field faster and point to the seeming scions of shipping the private sector, citing Apple, Google, OpenAI, and other large-scale enterprises as examples of the kind of innovative ecosystems they wish to cultivate, and more specifically within the Department of Defense. The question being asked is looking at the wrong part of the problem, but the analogies are fitting to illuminate the deeper issue open vs. closed, centralized systems integration vs. distributed, new technology vs. reliable systems. This is Classic Open vs. Closed Ecosystem Problem.

Oct 2, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, government agencies—particularly the Department of Defense (DoD)—are increasingly eager to emulate the agility and innovation of the private sector. Senior leaders and operational end-users alike are asking how we can accelerate the deployment of new technologies to the field. They often point to industry giants like Apple, Google, and OpenAI as exemplars of innovative ecosystems they wish to cultivate within the DoD.

However, this aspiration raises a critical question: Can we achieve the same level of innovation while maintaining the reliability and mission assurance that government operations demand? The answer lies in understanding the fundamental dynamics of open versus closed ecosystems, centralized versus distributed systems integration, and the trade-offs between embracing new technologies and ensuring dependable systems.

The Open vs. Closed Ecosystem Dilemma

To explore this challenge, let’s examine the models present in the tech industry, using Apple, Android, and indie developers as representative examples of closed, open, and independent ecosystems, respectively. These models illuminate the deeper issues at play when considering how to foster innovation while maintaining system reliability.

The Closed Ecosystem Model: Apple

Apple is renowned for its tightly controlled, closed ecosystem. The company’s products—ranging from iPhones and iPads to Mac computers and Apple Watches—are designed to work seamlessly together. One of the most compelling reasons consumers buy into the Apple ecosystem is the promise that “it just works.” This seamless integration is no accident; it’s the result of Apple’s strict control over system integration and a relentless focus on user experience.

However, this control comes with trade-offs. Apple is often not the first to market with new technologies. Enthusiasts may notice that features like near-field communication (NFC), wireless charging, augmented reality capabilities, desktop widgets, and even swipable keyboards appeared on Android devices years before making their way to Apple products. Apple tends to wait until these technologies are mature, user demand is well-established, and they can be integrated into their products without compromising the overall user experience.

In essence, Apple acts as the strict lead systems integrator for its ecosystem. While they don’t develop every single component—third-party apps, accessories, and services abound—they enforce stringent standards to ensure that anything interfacing with their core offerings meets their high expectations.

Benefits and Trade-Offs


Reliability: Users enjoy a consistent and dependable experience across all Apple devices.

Security: Tight control reduces vulnerabilities and enhances security.

User Experience: A seamless, intuitive interface that requires minimal technical know-how.


Slower Innovation Adoption: New technologies may take longer to be incorporated.

Vendor Lock-In: Users are often tied to the Apple ecosystem, making it challenging to switch platforms.

Limited Customization: Less flexibility for users who want to tailor their experience.

The Open Ecosystem Model: Android

In contrast, Android represents a more open ecosystem. While Google provides a reference handset (like the Pixel) and develops the core operating system, any manufacturer can produce a device running Android. This openness extends to software as well; Android is open-source, allowing developers to modify and customize the operating system to their liking.

This model fosters a high degree of innovation and customization. Users can “root” their devices, install custom firmware, and tweak settings to create a personalized experience. However, this freedom comes at the cost of consistency and reliability. Custom software may not work seamlessly with all apps or devices, and new technologies implemented quickly may not be fully vetted for security or performance.

In many ways, Android abdicates the role of lead systems integrator, democratizing it among developers and manufacturers. This decentralization encourages innovation but can lead to fragmentation and a less cohesive user experience.

Benefits and Trade-Offs


Rapid Innovation: New technologies and features are adopted quickly.

Customization: Users have the freedom to tailor their devices extensively.

Competition: An open marketplace encourages competition, potentially lowering costs.


Inconsistency: User experience can vary widely between devices and software versions.

Security Risks: Open systems may be more vulnerable to security threats.

Fragmentation: Not all devices receive updates, leading to outdated and unsupported hardware.

The Independent Innovators: Indie Hackers

Then there are the indie hackers—individuals or small teams who develop independent solutions outside mainstream ecosystems. While few indie developers build smartphones from scratch, they often create innovative software or systems that address specific needs. A prime example is Signal Messenger. Dissatisfied with existing security protocols, Signal’s founder developed a new encryption method and messaging app that operates independently but remains compatible with both Apple and Android devices.

In the government context, indie hackers are akin to software factories or operator-level innovation initiatives. These groups possess the technical expertise and the autonomy to develop tools tailored to their unique requirements, often operating outside established procurement channels and systems.

Benefits and Trade-Offs


Agility: Rapid development cycles allow for quick prototyping and deployment.

Customization: Solutions are highly tailored to specific needs.

Innovation: Free from bureaucratic constraints, indie hackers can experiment boldly.


Scalability: Solutions may not be easily scalable or integrable into larger systems.

Support and Maintenance: Limited resources can hinder long-term sustainability.

Interoperability: Operating outside standard ecosystems may lead to compatibility issues.

Applying the Models to the Department of Defense

When we transpose these models to the DoD ecosystem, we observe similar dynamics.

The Closed System: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

The F-35 program mirrors Apple’s closed ecosystem. Lockheed Martin serves as the lead systems integrator, exercising strict control over the development and integration of the aircraft’s systems. Subcontractors operate under Lockheed Martin’s oversight, ensuring that all components meet stringent specifications. This approach prioritizes mission assurance, reliability, and performance, critical factors for a cutting-edge fighter jet.

The Open System: Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK)

On the other end of the spectrum is the Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK), an open-source geospatial and situational awareness platform used by various military units. While the government maintains the core system and sets nominal integration standards, it does not enforce strict conformity across the ecosystem. This openness allows for rapid innovation and customization but can lead to inconsistencies and interoperability challenges.

The Indie Hackers: Software Factories and Operator-Level Innovators

Within the DoD, software factories and operator-driven innovation initiatives function like indie hackers. These groups develop bespoke solutions to meet immediate operational needs. While they offer agility and customization, their products may not align with broader systems or long-term strategic objectives.

The Challenge of Integration in DoD Operations

As the DoD moves toward concepts like Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and faces the demands of great power competition, the integration of all sensors and shooters becomes imperative. The question arises: Can these disparate models—closed systems, open ecosystems, and independent innovators—work together effectively?

A fully independent approach, akin to indie hackers operating in isolation, is impractical for large-scale, integrated military operations. Conversely, an entirely open ecosystem may sacrifice the reliability and mission assurance critical for defense systems. Relying solely on closed systems risks vendor lock-in and may stifle innovation.

Proposing a Hybrid Approach

Rather than choosing one model over the others, the DoD could adopt a hybrid approach that leverages the strengths of each while mitigating their weaknesses.

Government as Lead Systems Integrator

By assuming the role of lead systems integrator, the government can maintain control over critical systems to prevent vendor lock-in and ensure mission assurance. This role requires the government to possess the necessary technical and business acumen to manage complex integration tasks effectively.

A Modular Open Systems Approach

For non-critical components, adopting a modular open systems approach allows for greater innovation and competition. Platform contractors provide the underlying infrastructure and are compensated accordingly, but third-party developers can contribute modules or applications that enhance functionality. This approach resembles how Android operates but with more oversight to maintain interoperability and security.

Integrating Indie Innovation

Indie hackers, software factories, and operator-level innovators can play a vital role in rapid prototyping, risk reduction, and identifying product-market fit. Their innovations can serve as testbeds for new technologies, which, once validated, can be integrated into the broader ecosystem.

A Proposed Pipeline

1. Initial Prototyping and Development: Indie innovators and startups develop new technologies, possibly funded through mechanisms like the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

2. Integration into Open Ecosystems: Successful technologies are then integrated into open ecosystems, with support to ensure compatibility and interoperability.

3. Adoption into Closed Systems: Finally, the most promising and reliable technologies are incorporated into closed, mission-critical systems managed by the government as the lead systems integrator.

This pipeline mirrors how Apple often adopts features initially popularized in the Android ecosystem but integrates them in a way that aligns with their emphasis on reliability and user experience.


Balancing innovation adoption with the need for reliable, mission-assured systems is a complex challenge for the Department of Defense. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of closed ecosystems, open platforms, and independent innovators, the DoD can craft a strategy that leverages the best aspects of each.

Assuming the role of lead systems integrator allows the government to maintain control over critical systems while fostering an environment where innovation can thrive. A modular approach enables rapid adoption of new technologies without compromising the reliability of mission-critical operations. Indie innovators contribute agility and fresh ideas, feeding into a pipeline that ensures only the most viable technologies are scaled up.

In an era where technological superiority is paramount, embracing a hybrid model that balances innovation with reliability is not just advantageous—it’s essential.